Translating the RUPThis page describes what you have to do in order to translate the Rational Unified Process to other languages than English. Topics
Translate the HTML pages
The following steps must be performed in order to translate the HTML pages.
Translate the treebrowser
Perform the following steps to translate the treebrowser. See The Treebrowser for information about the tree.dat file.
IMPORTANT: In the 'tree.dat' file there is one character that is used as delimiter (or separator), this is a 'ñ'. When you move the RUP to other language versions of the operating system, this character may be converted to some other character.
Example The following is an example of the file 'applet/orytree.htm'. The example shows how you can change the declaration of the treebrowser applet. The new (or changed) lines are marked with red. <script language="JavaScript"> <!--- document.writeln("<applet name=\"Tree\" codebase=\"./\" code=\"ruptools.TreeBrowse.class\" width=\"100%\" archive=\"\" height=\"97%\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"loadpage\" value=\"../spscreen.htm\">\n"); printFinishPage(); document.writeln("<param name=\"fgcolor\" value=\"51,102,153\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"delimeters\" value=\"ñ\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"characterset\" value=\"SJIS\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"selbgcolor\" value=\"51,102,153\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"selfgcolor\" value=\"white\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"visitcolor\" value=\"51,51,51\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"mouseovercolor\" value=\"0,0,102\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"mouseovershadow\" value=\"false\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"loadinglabel\" value=\"Loading contents tree...\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"target\" value=\"ory_doc\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"maxvisiblenodes\" value=\"100\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"scrollbartoleft\" value=\"false\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"border\" value=\"true\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"treefont\" value=\"Arial,plain,12\">\n"); document.writeln("<param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#FFFFFF\">\n"); document.writeln("</applet>\n"); //---> </Script>
Translate the search applet
The search applet is declared in the file 'applet/search.htm'. Some of the parameters specify the text in the search applet window. Translate the value of these parameters. See The Search applet for details about the search applet. Generate an index
You should generate a new index, for the new language. See the page KeyWordIndex for more information.
Generate sitemap pages
The following steps describe how to generate new sitemap pages.
Generate a search database
Generate a new search database. See Tool Mentor: Using the Rational Unified Tools, section "Generating a Search Database" for detailed instructions. Translate the RUP tools
The tools for generating a search database, generating the index, and generating the sitemap, all produce progress messages and error messages in English. All these messages can be translated to any language. The message can be specified in a text file which is used by the tools. See Translating the RUP Tools, for details on how to create this file. |
Rational Unified
Process |